Our Events

Moon Lodge
Held Mid-End of May

Every year we offer a Women's Moon Lodge.

During even-numbered years it is a typical Moon Lodge offering women and girls who have reached their menses (or age equivalent) a chance to relax and enjoy their communities for female bonding and fellowship.

During odd-numbered years we have a Warrior Weekend (which is restricted to over 18 only) where each woman competes for the title of Queen through fun, yet challenging games of skill such as archery, knife throwing and more.
(Both Moon Lodge and Warrior Weekend are LGBTQ+ friendly)

Held Mid-End of September

Mabon is a celebration of the autumnal equinox. Many cultures see the second harvest and equinox as a time for giving thanks. This time of year is when farmers know how well their summer crops did, and how well fed their animals have become. This determined whether you and your family would have enough food for the winter. That is why people give thanks around this time, thanks for their crops, animals, and food. We also give thanks for the people and events in our lives that have helped us move forward in a positive manner.

CDDB celebrates this holiday by hosting an event at Camp DuBois in Wood River, Illinois. We have a variety of activities from the making of Corn Dollies to Prayer Feathers and other items to help us offer gratitude.

There are no age limits or other requirements for this event and we encourage family attendance.

& Pancake Breakfast

Held the first weekend of December

Our Yule Bazaar and Pancake Breakfast is an excellent opportunity to shop your local community vendors for holiday gifts. Everything from hand-made items, home-cooked items, art, jewelry, and more. CDDB offers a generous serving of pancakes with all the fixins and a couple of sausage links, all for a reasonable price.

Please join us at:

5 Star Center
2832 Arsenal Road
St. Louis, MO 63118

Please check out our Store to purchase tickets to any of the pre-paid events when they are available.
(Yule is not a pre-paid event.)

We would love to see you!!