CDDB Community Charity hosts a women’s empowerment weekend called the Moon Lodge in May of each year. A Moon Lodge is about women coming together to support one another, push one another in a positive manner, and build real community. 

We have women in our community that would greatly benefit from this event that lack the funds to actually attend. CDDB Community Charity is offering a limited number of scholarships for this event and we can get even more women to the event with your help.

Sponsor a Moon Lodge Scholarship at a discount for $55 and send another deserving woman to this outstanding event.

Awardees of a scholarship will be chosen from scholarship applications received by CDDB. The Board of Directors will evaluate each application before choosing the recipients. Sponsors may not choose who will receive their award. Those that would like to sponsor a specific person can choose to purchase a registration for that attendee by clicking the Donate button at the bottom of any page and indicating in the notes the name of the person you are paying for. Be sure to let a board member know the name of the person you are sponsoring or that you are paying for a deserving woman to attend.

What do you get besides a full heart? You will receive recognition on the schedules distributed to attendees and posted within the venue as well as on the CDDB Community Charity website and Facebook page. Get together with your circles, covens, or fellowships, to sponsor just 1 woman to attend this event. You will also be helping CDDB help members of the community. If you wish to remain anonymous indicate such on this purchase and CDDB will keep your information confidential.

Thank you for your support of CDDB Community Charity and those we support.

Deadline to purchase a Scholarship is March 1 of each year.