About Us

In 2010, a prominent member of the St Louis area Pagan Community was diagnosed with brain cancer. Several members of the community organized a non-profit to raise money to help with his care. This non-profit was called CDDB Fundraisers. 

In 2014 these same community members, recognizing a continued need within the area's earth centered spiritual community, reorganized and acquired a Board of Directors. This was the birth of CDDB Community Charity. Currently the Board of Directors consists of members from differing spiritual paths but steadfast in their desire to help others within the community. These Board members volunteer their time, money, and hearts into this cause receiving no compensation.

CDDB Community Charity organizes fundraising events throughout the year. The proceeds of these events, minus any expenses, are invested back into the community by helping those facing medical crises and periods of job instability with rent payments, utility bills, food, medicine, etc., in the form of Hand Up Grants. Anyone supporting CDDB through attendance at these events is helping others within the community.

CDDB is a nonprofit registered in the state of Missouri and recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit as a Public Charity. All donations to CDDB are tax deductible.

If you’d like more information about who we are and how we donate back to the community you can read our full Corporate Bylaws here.

If you know of anyone that could use our help, our Application for Hand Up Grants can be found here.

Thank you for your support. Together we can make a difference!